About Social AI Studio 

Social AI Studio is an interdisciplinary research group based at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). The studio's mission is to foster the design of next-generation socially-enabled artificial intelligence (AI) systems using computational social science, social computing, data mining, and natural language processing techniques. Research is conducted to:

Research Areas

Currently, we are focusing on the following research areas: 

Our Logo & Mascot: Capybara

The animal embedded in our logo is a Capybara. Why a Capybara? Because just like the world’s chillest animal, our Social AI Lab is all about collaboration, intelligence, and adaptability! Capybaras are known for their calm nature and ability to connect with all creatures—just like our interdisciplinary research, which brings together diverse fields to create innovative AI solutions. Whether it’s social science, engineering, or computer science, we believe in the power of collaboration. Plus, with the friendliest face in the animal kingdom, who better to represent cutting-edge AI research?